根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Monte Del Fra Recioto della Valpolicella Classico DOC 500ml

Vine varieties: 60% Corvina, 30% Rondinella, 10% Molinara. Production area: In the hills of the Valpolicella classico area in Fumane at 150-300 mt. of altitude. Vine planting system: pergola (trellised vine) with 3000 vines per hectare and 15/18 buds per vine. Yeld per hectare: The harvest with manual picking of the thinnest bunchess tobe dried on mats varies 30 hl per hectare. Harvest time: Manually in muiddle of October with qualified staff and carried in small boxes. It is then reselected in the fruit warehouse for perfect drying. Vinification: After the grapes are selected and harvested, they are placed in small cases and transferred to special dry and well aired big rooms. In ths way, the grapes wither naturally and thus have an extraordinarily high concentration of sugars, glycerine and aromas. The withered grapes are pressed towards the end of january. Once an alcoholic content of 13 % is reached, fermentation is stopped trough decantation, filtration, and refrigeration. In order to keep the wine sweet. In fact by stopping fermentation the remaining sugar is not transformed into alcohol. It is placed in casks of Slavonian oak and cherry for 6 months. Analytical data: Alcohol: 13,5 % by vol, total acidity gr/lt: 6,30, gry resedue gr/lt: 34.50, Organoleptic examination: Deep garnet red colour. Intense perfume, delicate, with flora sensation of violets, iris, wild roses and vanilla. Full creamy sweet flavour, velvety, warm, rich in character and freshness.

Suggested matches: This is a splendid dessert wine, that goes well with typicall Veronese desserts like pandoro, panettone, (a type of cake) and shortbread, but it can also be served with soft and flavourful cheese like blue cheese. the wine should be openend at least one hour before serving.
商品條碼 C-445511
物品類型 紅酒
容量 500亳升
年份 2008
您正在評論:Monte Del Fra Recioto della Valpolicella Classico DOC 500ml