Art of Wine from Hong Kong Winemaker 'Stef Yim'
由於葡萄藤都生長在海拔超過700米的地方而且非常古老(Stef Yim還有980及1200的作品等等) 日夜溫差大驅使葡萄能被迫適應不同環境變化,在Etna火山旁邊,天然資源豐富且土釀肥沃,孕育出超高質素的葡萄。在這款Azienda Agricola Sciara 760當中絕對能體驗到當地的風土及釀酒師對於天然的堅持和味道。
A masterpiece of art from the first winemaker in Hong Kong to set up his own vineyard and winery at Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy, using organic methods and nature to brew the purest and most natural red wine.
Since the vines are grown at an altitude of more than 700 meters and are very old (Stef Yim also has 980 and 1200etc), the large temperature difference between day and night forces the grapes to be forced to adapt to different environmental changes. Next to the Etna volcano, natural resources are abundant and local wine Fertile, producing grapes of exceptional quality. In this Azienda Agricola Sciara 760, you can definitely experience the local terroir and the winemaker's persistence and taste for nature.