根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Anna Sui Flight of Fancy Eau De Toilette 75ml / 2.5oz 孔雀逐夢翎雀女士淡香水75毫升

清新的花香洋溢著青春氣息,帶著年輕魔女走進陽光下盛開的遍地花園,與真正的自己互相照面。 荔枝、香柚和爪哇檸檬吸引她敞開心胸,盡情探索… 接下來會發現什麼?木蘭、玫瑰和紫雨蒼蘭的溫柔花香喚醒心靈的悸動,琥珀、麝香與白木的基調沉穩安詳,挑起一絲前所未有的迷情。 恣情飽滿,「逐夢翎雀」為蛻變畫下完美的句點。 前調: 爪哇檸檬、香柚、荔枝 中調: 玫瑰花、木蘭、紫雨蒼蘭 基調: 白色木香、麝香、琥珀 Radiant and embracing, luscious and young, the floral-fresh fragrance leads to a dream world where blossoms sparkle in the sun. It is exactly here that a young woman can discover her true self. A delicious burst of Litchi, Yuzu and Java Lemon entices exploration . . . what can be next? The soft floralcy of Star Magnolia, Rose Blossom and sheer Purple Rain Freesia awakens the heart to delight, as a warm undercurrent of Amber Crystals, Skin Musk, and White Woods create a tranquil serenity, stirring feelings she hasn't felt before. Exhilarating and emotional, Flight of Fancy makes the transformation complete. TOP: Java Lemon, Yuzu, Litchi HEART: Rose Blossom, Star Magnolia, Purple Rain Freesia, BASE: White Woods Benzoin, Skin Musk, Amber Crystals
商品條碼 85715082008
包裝 1支
容量 50亳升
您正在評論:Anna Sui Flight of Fancy Eau De Toilette 75ml / 2.5oz 孔雀逐夢翎雀女士淡香水75毫升