Penfolds Bin 28 Shiraz 2022 澳洲奔富Bin 28設拉子紅酒 750ml
Alcohol ABV
100% Shiraz
Bin 28 displays classic rich black fruit, dark chocolate, black pepper and vanilla on the nose and palate. It's rich and textured with mouth-coating, with broad tannins and creamy coconut flavours. An ideal warming red to drink by itself, but incredibly versatile with savoury, black olive notes developing in the background.
Bin 28 的香氣和口感呈現出經典濃鬱的黑色水果、黑巧克力、黑胡椒和香草的味道。它口感、層次、單寧豐富、具有奶油椰子風味。這是一款非常適合單獨飲用的溫熱紅酒,但它用途極其廣泛,帶有鹹味和黑橄欖的香氣。
Penfolds is Australia's most famous wine producer, best known for its flagship wine Grange, one of the most acclaimed wines in the world. The historic estate has pioneered the wine industy of Australia since its inception in the mid-19th Century.
奔富是澳大利亞最著名的葡萄酒生產商,以其旗艦葡萄酒格蘭奇而聞名,格蘭奇是世界上最受讚譽的葡萄酒之一。 自 19 世紀中葉成立以來,這座歷史悠久的莊園一直是澳大利亞葡萄酒行業的先驅。
商品條碼 | 9310297045587_2022 |
物品類型 | 紅酒 |
參考網站 | |
地區 | South Australia澳洲南部 |
容量 | 750亳升 |
年份 | 2022 |
閃購進行中 | 否 |