Martell Noblige Gift Box 700ml 馬爹利 名仕干邑 禮盒裝
The color has deep gold-copper tones, and the taste is elegant and soft
Aromas of pear, lemon, vanilla, and brown sugar provide the ultimate balance.
Martell Noblige, where every drop exudes style and elegance, a cognac for any occasion. The color has deep gold-copper tones, and the taste is elegant and soft
Aromas of pear, lemon, vanilla, and brown sugar provide the ultimate balance.
This gorgeous cognac takes its name from an old French proverb "noblesse oblige" (noblesse oblige). The modern bottle design reveals elegance and sophistication.
這款華美的干邑,得名於一句古老的法國諺語“ noblesse oblige”(位高則任重)。現代的瓶身設計則透露出優雅與精緻。
商品條碼 | 3219820002256 |
物品類型 | 烈酒 |
參考網站 | |
地區 | Cognac 干邑 |
容量 | 700毫升 |
閃購進行中 | 否 |