Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron Pauillac 2021 750ml 法國男爵酒莊紅酒
Alcohol ABV
Château Pichon-Longueville Baron, often referred to simply as "Pichon Baron", is a well-regarded wine estate in the Pauillac appellation of Bordeaux's Haut-Médoc wine region, on the so-called "left bank" of the Gironde estuary.
It was rated as a second growth in the 1855 Bordeaux Classification and as with other top Pauillac wines, the grand vin is prized for its combination of powerful dark fruits, finesse and elegance, and the ability to age for many decades.
皮雄-隆格維爾男爵酒莊(Château Pichon-Longueville Baron),通常簡稱為“男爵”,是波爾多上梅多克葡萄酒產區波雅克產區的一個備受推崇的葡萄酒莊園,位於吉倫特河口所謂的「左岸」。 它被評為1855 年波爾多分級中的二級名莊,與其他頂級波雅克葡萄酒一樣,這款特級葡萄酒因其濃鬱的深色水果味、精緻和優雅的結合以及數十年的陳釀能力而備受推崇。
商品條碼 | 37_C-55556688_2021 |
物品類型 | 紅酒 |
參考網站 | |
地區 | Pauillac波雅克 |
容量 | 750亳升 |
年份 | 2021 |
閃購進行中 | 否 |