根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Dogma 朵戈瑪

Dogma 朵戈瑪

With more than 95 years of experience, Viña Aromo stands out as one of the most important vineyards in the Maule Valley, and is among the 10 largest wine producing vineyards in Chile.

Viña Aromo currently covers more than 25 countries with global brands in the most competitive markets, its principal markets being: United States, Japan, Brazil and China.Investments in new technologies have allowed Viña Aromo to increase its production to more than 15 million liters for the local market and 500,000 nine-liter boxes for export annually.



Viña Aromo 擁有超過 95 年的經驗,是 Maule 山谷最重要的葡萄園之一,也是智利 10 個最大的葡萄酒生產葡萄園之一。 Viña Aromo 目前涵蓋超過 25 個國家,在競爭最激烈的市場擁有全球品牌,其主要市場為:美國、日本、巴西和中國。對新技術的投資使 Viña Aromo 的產量增加到超過 1500 萬公升,當地市場,每年出口50萬個9 公升箱。

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