根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

YSL Black Opium EDP Extreme (2021版) YSL 黑鴉片極緻版 女士濃香水 50ml


Black Opium Eau de Parfum Extrême,Yves Saint Laurent 的新款女用香水。

Black Opium Eau de Parfum Extrême, the new fragrance for women by Yves Saint Laurent.
The addiction of a Floral Coffee pushed to the extreme, for a rock and glamour woman.
Uncompromising and limitless, it celebrates an endless night like a blackout.

Black Opium Eau de Parfum Extrême,Yves Saint Laurent 的新款女用香水。 對於一個搖滾和魅力女人來說,花香咖啡的癮推到了極致。 毫不妥協和無限,它像停電一樣慶祝無盡的夜晚。 故事 對於 Black Opium Extreme 女人來說,越軌與慶祝押韻。一噴就足以征服黑夜,她永恆的派對場地。 在每一個刺激極端。 極端成癮。 對於一個沒有恐懼的女人來說,一個沒有盡頭的夜晚。 瓶子 Black Opium Extrême 錶殼塗有比黑色更黑的亮漆。 從瓶子到蓋子的過量閃光,就像對派對過度行為的頌歌。 嗅覺 黑鴉片簽名。 多虧了馬達加斯加波旁香草,額外劑量的黑咖啡協議被包裹在過度的美食感中,作為可持續供應的一部分,專門為 Yves Saint Laurent 收穫。 香氣 印度茉莉花的花瓣只在晚上散發出香味,散發出一種令人陶醉的麻醉氣息,就像一個刺眼的光環。 Black Opium Eau de Parfum Extrême, the new fragrance for women by Yves Saint Laurent. The addiction of a Floral Coffee pushed to the extreme, for a rock and glamour woman. Uncompromising and limitless, it celebrates an endless night like a blackout. THE STORY For the Black Opium Extreme woman, transgression rhymes with celebration. A single spray is enough to conquer the night, her eternal party ground. Extreme in every thrill. Extreme as an addiction. A night without end for a woman without fear. THE BOTTLE The Black Opium Extrême case is dressed in a glittery lacquer that is blacker than black. An overdose of glitter from the bottle to the cap, like an ode to the excesses of the party. OLFACTION The Black Opium signature. The extra-dose Black Coffee Accord is enveloped in an excess of gourmand sensuality thanks to Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla, exclusively harvested for Yves Saint Laurent as part of a sustainable supply. The new addiction. Indian Jasmine, whose petals only give off their scent at night, radiates a narcotic and intoxicating facet to the composition, like a piercing halo.
商品條碼 3614273256476
物品類型 香水
容量 50亳升
您正在評論:YSL Black Opium EDP Extreme (2021版) YSL 黑鴉片極緻版 女士濃香水 50ml